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Writer's Guidelines

The New Mexico Genealogist welcomes articles from genealogists, historians, and others interested in New Mexico genealogical research.

​Articles for beginning or experienced genealogists are beneficial to our readership. Genealogies and examples of problem solving are accepted for publication if they are documented, emphasize effective research procedures and evidence evaluation, and/or thoroughly explain a new or unique research technique. Sources used in the compilation should be described fully.


It is our policy to provide previously unpublished genealogical records or materials, particularly those which are not readily accessible to our readers. The editor reserves the right to accept or decline any article submitted.


Contributors are responsible for accuracy, omissions or factual errors, and for documenting statements of facts or statistical information, including the source for abstracted or transcribed records.


Articles of varying length will be considered; longer articles may be serialized.


All submissions should be properly documented with footnotes and, if appropriate, a bibliography.


Citations should follow Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace by Elizabeth Shown Mills and secondarily, The Chicago Manual of Style.


It is preferred that lineage compilations follow formatting as outlined in the BCG Genealogical Standards Manual, published by the Board for Certification of Genealogists.


Who is Eligible

Members and non-members are welcome to submit articles for the NMG. Authors are encouraged to read previous issues to understand the style of the journal and the type of article we publish. Queries to the editor are welcome.

What We Publish

The Genealogist publishes articles on these subjects:

  • genealogies of New Mexican families

  • descriptions or itemizations of genealogical materials, records, and collections

  • research techniques and procedures

  • historical events with genealogical impact on New Mexico ancestry

  • current events affecting genealogy and family history

  • book reviews of genealogical publications

Procedure for Submission
  1. Submit articles for consideration to the editor at nmgseditor@gmail.com 

  2. Please provide your name and mailing address, plus other contact information, such as telephone number and email address.

  3. Include a brief biographical statement about yourself.

  4. Provide a statement giving your permission to publish the article.

  5. If you wish to have an article copyrighted in your own name, please indicate this at the time your article is submitted.

New Mexico Genealogical Society White Logo

New Mexico Genealogical Society

PO Box 27559

Albuquerque, NM 87125-7559 USA 

  • NMGS Facebook -page
  • Email Us at NMGS

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